Bag filters
Top-quality bag filters that meet even the most demanding requirements. We offer synthetic, fiberglass, and activated carbon bag filters.
Products | Bag Filters
ECO - Fine filters
The ECO product series is a long-life product line developed to provide high performance, low energy consumption, and high dust collection capacity.
ECO bag filters are 100% synthetic, and the product line utilizes the best nanomaterials available on the market.
ECO filters are available in the following filtration classes:
ePM10 50%, ePM10 70% ePM2.5 65%, ePM1 60% & ePM1 85%.
ECO filters are available in custom sizes with both metal and plastic frames.
BASIC - fine filters
Pre- or main filters for HVAC systems in various applications, such as hospitals, data centers, offices, and public spaces.
The Basic product series consists of fine filters in the following classes:
ePM10 60%, ePM10 70% & ePM2,5 70%
Basic bag filters are 100% synthetic and are available in custom sizes with both plastic and metal frames
ECO - Coarse filters
ECO Coarse series filters are well-suited for pre- or exhaust filtration.
ECO Coarse series filters use 100% synthetic filtration materials with extremely high dust collection capacity.
The filters are available in custom sizes with both metal and plastic frames.
GLASS - fiberglass filters
Pre- or main filters for HVAC systems in various applications, such as hospitals, data centers, offices, and public spaces.
The GLASS product series is available in the following filtration classes:
ePM10 50%, ePM2,5 50%, ePM1 60% & ePM1 85%
The GLASS series filters use fiberglass materials with extremely high dust collection capacity.
Fiberglass filters are always made with a metal frame.
The filters are available in custom sizes.
ECO - Carbon activated carbon filters
Carbon bag filters offer ePM1 50% particle filtration and gas adsorption in a single filter element. Ideal for filtering odors and other gaseous impurities.
Activated carbon bagfilters are always made with a metal frame.
The filters are available in custom sizes
At your service
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